Vows in a wedding ceremony
When getting married in Australia, there is absolutely no reason why you cannot write your own vows to one another. This really personalizes the ceremony so if you are comfortable to do so, then go for it! There are though a few legalities that must be adhered to, and one is the vows that you must state to one another during the ceremony when being married by an authorised celebrant.
As per The Marriage Act of 1961, Section 45 Form Of Ceremony, these are the words that must be stated
: “I call upon the persons here present to witness that I, A.B. (or C.D.), take thee, C.D. (or A.B.), to be my lawful wedded wife (husband or spouse)" or words to that affect ( your celebrant will advise what can legally be changed or substituted as per The Marriage Act of 1961)
Your own vows can be added. The choice is yours!
If you are looking for a celebrant, feel free to reach out - Samantha is only too pleased to catch up for a chat to discuss your needs - obligation free of course!
Ph: 0432 553 193
Email: lifecels@gmail.com
