Positioning of your celebrant throughout the wedding ceremony
On my journey as a celebrant, I've been mindful of the fact that photographers will be capturing moments during the ceremony. Understanding that the couple doesn't necessarily want me in every single photo, I initially tried standing off to the side in the earlier days. However, this posed a challenge as the couple found it difficult to hear me.
After considering the dilemma, I made the decision to position myself in between the couple for a significant portion of the ceremony. I ensure to step aside during pivotal moments such as when they exchange vows, place rings on each other's fingers, and share the all-important kiss.
While it is very true that the celebrant plays a significant role in a wedding ceremony, it's not essential to be featured in every photograph. I specifically request the photographer to capture a shot at the signing table with the couple, and that's the only inclusion I seek.
Credit goes to the many wonderful photographers who captured these images
Adam Spooner Photography
Easy Start Photography
Khon Enam Photography
Armour Moments
Zee and Cee Photography

This is a great post! The tips on the positioning of the celebrant during the ceremony are so helpful. It’s all about making the moment feel intimate and special for everyone involved. Byron Bay Wedding Photography