Once the funeral is over
Almost every day I am involved with families who have lost a loved one. As a Celebrant, it is my role to ensure the service is conducted in a dignified and professional manner in keeping with the family's wishes. I work in closely not only with the family, but also with the Funeral Director who has engaged my services as a celebrant.
But what happens after the funeral? How do the family members deal with day to day life?
Families are left to try to carry on without their loved one and take care of all of the legalities and things that need to be done when someone passes. And this can be very daunting.
I get emails and phone calls from families from time to time, saying that they feel so lonely, finding it extremely hard to function in their grief.
Please keep this in mind if you have had a friend who has lost a loved one - keep in contact with the bereaved and let them know you are there if they need you.
The family really need the ongoing support, love and friendship long after the funeral ceremony is held. Sometimes just a phone call, a visit or a cup of tea can be just what is needed.
If you feel that your friend needs more support, you can always contact the funeral director who may be able to point you in the right direction for counselling services.